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Minnesota Age-Friendly Needs Assessment Survey  

Older adults are one of Minnesota’s most valuable resources. Age-Friendly Minnesota wants to hear what you have to say about what you want and need in your community as you grow older that will help ensure you can age well.

The results of the survey will be used to set priorities and develop strategies for plans, policies, and services that ensure that all Minnesotans can thrive across the lifespan. Results will be used by the State of Minnesota as well as by regions, sovereign nations, and community organizations.

This survey has 10 sections will take about 20 minutes to complete.

If you are not able to complete the survey in one session,
you may save your survey and return to it later. Simply scroll to the bottom of the page you are on, and click “Save.” You will be prompted to enter your email and will receive a link in your email to return to the survey.
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